less than 1 minute read

You will need a Windows 10/11 ISO file and a USB drive with at least 8GB of free space.

  1. Insert your USB drive & Open Terminal.

  2. Use the following command to find out the disk number of your USB drive:

    diskutil list

This will display a list of drives, which will have details such as /dev/diskN (N being a number)

  1. Unmount your USB drive by typing in the following command, remember to place N with the disk number of your USB drive:

    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN

  2. The following command will create the bootable Windows USB, replacing PATH/TO/WINDOWS.ISO with the path to your Windows 10 ISO file. If its in the downloads folder it should be something like /Users/USERNAME/Downloads/windowsfilename.iso (replace USERNAME with your MAC username & windowsfilename.iso with the downloaded ISO file name.)

    sudo dd if=PATH/TO/WINDOWS.ISO of=/dev/diskN bs=1m

  3. Once the process is complete, eject the USB drive using the following command. Remember to replace diskN with your USB disk number you discovered earlier.

    diskutil eject /dev/diskN

You now have a bootable Windows USB drive.